what does it mean to be a blue belt bjj

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt Organisation is a far stricter than in almost other martial arts. It can take upwards of 10 years to reach the blackness belt. Equally at that place are simply a few belts, you will spend a long time on each one. Too, your progress will not exist linear. Y'all volition spend weeks or months on plateaus before being rewarded with a jump in ability. Sometimes it will actually seem as if you are getting worse instead of better. But the plateau is actually your friend and is itself an indicator of progress. It is those who have the mental strength to keep going when they find themselves on a plateau that intermission-through to a higher level of ability. Several years ago, black belt Roy Harris wrote a good article detailing what was expected at each chugalug. I have extrapolated on this and provided a breakdown of what I expect from my students at each belt. No affair what, remember to savor the process. Don't exist too focused on achieving the adjacent chugalug or winning competitions etc.

The Consummate BJJ Belt Arrangement

White Belt

As a white belt, your goal is to create a frame of reference for your futurity learning. You demand to acquire what you don't know. Recall of BJJ as a jigsaw puzzle that you are trying to figure out. The white-belt is where you create the 'outline' of the picture, before filling in the heart. Using flow diagrams will help greatly. Learning to relax is an absolutely essential skill and white belt is the best time to acquire information technology. I cannot overstate how of import this is. The only way you will exist able to do this past learning to control your ego. Remember: cypher is expected of you at this stage. Try to focus your free energy on the feel instead of 'winning' or 'losing'. Some Suggested Goals at White Belt:

1. Learn the names of each of the main positions and larn a bones familiarity with each of them. e.g. be able to place the guard position.

2. Acquire to control your ego past accepting that yous will exist browbeaten by the more advanced students. If you are big and naturally athletic this volition be even more of import for you.

3. Go used to the 'feeling' of jiu-jitsu. Pay attention to how your body moves on the ground and the way a resisting opponent uses his strength and weight.

4. Choose one technique and attempt to main it.

Blueish Belt

I once asked Roger Gracie, the best jiu-jitsu fighter on the planet, what made him so skillful. Subsequently thinking most information technology for a while, he replied: "I built my game off a solid defence. I first made it most impossible for anybody to tap me out." Hearing that made a deep impression on me. From that bespeak on I focused near exclusively on my defense force. I will not requite any of my students a bluish belt unless they accept a decent defence. I want to see them able to escape from all the major positions with relative ease. Secondly, You will need to learn to pass the guard. To me, passing the baby-sit is the most difficult attribute of jiu-jitsu. You will spend a great deal of time in your opponents' guards, so you should become very proficient at dealing with the position. Some Suggested Goals at Blue Belt:

ane. Accept 2 solid escapes from Mount, Back Mount and Side Mount.

2. Master 2 techniques for passing the baby-sit.

3. Compete in at to the lowest degree one Competition.

Purple Chugalug

This is the belt of movement and momentum. You will learn how to use the momentum of your own weight besides as that of your opponent to achieve your motility objectives. A lot of the 'wasted motion' that exemplified your game at the previous belts will be shaved abroad. Regal belt is also where you lot will terminate laying the foundation of your entire game. Every bit mentioned earlier, I propose that this foundation exist a solid defense. You should try to spend your time at this belt focusing on the weakest aspects of your jiu-jitsu - these are known as the 'holes in your game'. A good purple belt also has a great offence and is unsafe from any position. This is also where the jiu-jitsoka should start learning to set on using combinations of techniques. As a purple belt, your guard should exist very constructive. You lot should have a familiarity with all the different guards and specialize in at least one, preferably ii. Some Suggested Goals at Imperial Chugalug:

ane. Have 3 combination attacks from baby-sit position.

ii. Have three submissions from Side Mount, Mount and Back Mount.

three. Get familiar with all the variants of the Guard position.

Brown Belt

Although non yet a master of the art there will exist very, very few positions or situations a brown belt is unfamiliar with. By now yous will have your own style and will probably exist recognized equally a superlative-player, bottom-player, all-rounder etc. A decent brownish belt is able to teach the art to others. In fact, this is when many BJJ players realize that they have a passion for teaching and make up one's mind to embark on coaching every bit a career path. He likewise understands that teaching is a good way to consolidate the knowledge he has gained upwards to this point. A chocolate-brown belt is evil from the top positions. In mount and side mount he knows how to utilise his torso weight and makes certain the person on the bottom feels every ounce of information technology. He will laissez passer the guard at even the narrowest window of opportunity. His residue will make him very difficult to sweep. At this stage, he will also take developed counters to almost all the most usually encountered techniques. This means he will be i or two steps ahead of lower-level opponents. He volition also take several 'signature' techniques. These are moves which he has mastered and tin can get to work on almost anybody. Some Suggested Goals at Brown Belt:

ane. Effort to teach a few classes at your university

2. Perfect your weight distribution and residue in the top positions.

three. Work on counters to mutual attacks.

Black Belt

The jiu-jitsu black chugalug is truly a main grappler. He is a person who knows far more about his body, his mind and his limitations than the boilerplate individual. He is apprehensive, friendly and respectful of others. He is a highly efficient and dangerous martial creative person just uses his skills and abilities to defend and assist those less capable than him. The black belt starts to look at everything with a fresh gear up of eyes. He can take the virtually basic movement that he has practised thousands of times and realize that he is still able to refine it. A black belt moves with an economy of movement and grace. More importantly, he too knows when to move and when not to move. His jiu-jitsu is non only effective it also looks adept. Some Suggested Goals at Black Belt: Sympathize that the journey is non over.

1. Remain humble

2. Continue to larn and grow.

Cherry-red Belt

Don't worry about the ruddy belt. Seriously.


Source: https://www.jiujitsubrotherhood.com/pages/progression-the-belt-system

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