DIY Modern Minimal Concrete Planter Boxes

In that location's something about simple, straightforward concrete planter boxes that appeals to many people regardless of their way preferences. Even so, the toll tag of a solid-class concrete planter can be a deterrent. If you can relate to this dilemma, you'll be happy to learn that this simple DIY thought is not only fast, but information technology's quite cost-effective and easy. That'due south a win-win-win. Let'south get started, so you're ready for the planting flavor.

Flowers in concrete planters View in gallery
Beautiful front door planters from concrete View in gallery

DIY Level: Beginner

DIY Concrete Planters-adhesive stick View in gallery

Materials Needed:

  • Four (iv) equal-sized, directly-edged concrete pavers (example shows 12" squares)
  • Landscape adhesive
  • Ardex feather finish (not shown)
  • Concrete sealer
  • Potting soil & plants
DIY Concrete Planters-measure the paver View in gallery

Begin your projection on a clean, flat surface outside. I recommend some physical steps if possible, as the ascension of the nearest stride volition provide some 90-degree bending support while the adhesive on your planter box dries. Set your first concrete paver (Paver A) on its side, propped side by side to the step for support.

DIY Concrete Planters- view View in gallery

Apply landscape agglutinative to the side edge of your 2nd concrete paver (Paver B). A zig-zag awarding is helpful to solidify the adherence and the method I recommend.

Bring the glue for paver View in gallery

Bring the glued border of Paver B close to the side face of Paver A. Straighten their alignment to as close to a xc-caste angle every bit possible.

Attach the edge and face together View in gallery

Adhere the edge and face up together, pushing them tightly into each other.

Try to keep a 90-degree angle here View in gallery

Try to keep a 90-degree bending here, but don't stress about it yet. You'll finalize the angles a piddling later. This is 1 reason, withal, why information technology's helpful to utilize any nearby vertical faces – it'll help the planter stay upright solidly without having to worry virtually its falling over while the adhesive is nevertheless fresh.

Apply landscape adhesive View in gallery

Employ landscape adhesive to the side edge of your third concrete paver (Paver C), and push button it firmly into the side face up of Paver B. Once more, exercise your best to maintain 90-caste corners, but don't be also precise quite yet. Annotation: If you desire to cease up with a truthful foursquare planter box, it'south of import to pay attending to the zipper of the side edges to the side faces, and so all sides finish up equal.

Grab your fourth concrete paver View in gallery

Grab your fourth physical paver (Paver D) and employ mural adhesive to one side edge and also to the opposing side face. Keep the zig-zag of adhesive on the side face up almost the same size/width every bit the agglutinative you put on the side edge – this shouldn't be difficult, equally you'll likely have a feel for it past now.

DIY Concrete Planters-paver a and b View in gallery

Line up Paver D and then that (1) the glued side edge will press into the side face of Paver C, and (2) the glued side face up will press into the side border of Paver A.

square off each corner to a perfect 90 degrees View in gallery

When all sides are pressed firmly together, foursquare off each corner to a perfect 90 degrees. When the planter box is squared off and secure, exit information technology lone for at to the lowest degree 24 hours, or until the landscape adhesive cures and dries completely.

gravel workspace so the Ardex feather finish View in gallery

Optional: carefully transfer the physical planter boxes to a gravel workspace so the Ardex plume finish won't mar whatever existing concrete surfaces.

Mix up the feather finish View in gallery

Mix up the feather cease as per package instructions.

DIY Concrete Planters-preparing the mix View in gallery
Mixing the concrete first without water View in gallery

For each concrete planter box, I used a mixture of about 3 cups of pulverisation…

Prepare the concrete mix View in gallery

…with well-nigh 2 cups of water.

DIY Concrete Planters-mix the material View in gallery

Stir it up.

Add more water View in gallery

This is slightly more water than the instructions call for; play effectually with your ratios to become a adept peanut butter-similar consistency.

feather finish freely to the exterior faces View in gallery

You're going to employ the plume stop freely to the outside faces, tops, and upper half or tertiary of the interior faces of your concrete planter box.

Start by slathering some feather finish View in gallery

Start by slathering some feather finish to the inside corners. Your goal here is to encompass the seam and the adhesive.

DIY Concrete Planters-start with the corners View in gallery
DIY Concrete Planters-spreader View in gallery

Load your spreader with plumage finish.

DIY Concrete Planters-apply the inside View in gallery

Apply to the within wall'southward top half (or top third).

DIY Concrete Planters-mix on the coners View in gallery
DIY Concrete Planters-inside View in gallery

Repeat for other within corners and walls, then move onto the four peak edges of the planter.

DIY Concrete Planters-outside View in gallery

On the outside walls, first make full the adhesive crack.

DIY Concrete Planters-add more mix View in gallery

To do this, work your loaded spreader horizontally over the crack, from top to lesser.

DIY Concrete Planters-work on excess View in gallery

Work out excess toward the center of the wall.

DIY Concrete Planters-adhesive View in gallery

When the surfaces near the adhesive crevice are covered, piece of work your spreader vertically to brand the agglutinative crack smooth. If y'all get horizontally over this, your spreader will always dip slightly into the crack. Your last passes should be vertical to make the scissure disappear.

Continue to work feather View in gallery

Continue to piece of work feather finish around the exterior wall, adding more to your spreader as needed.

Additional feather finish to the corners View in gallery

Add additional plumage finish to the corners; you lot can ever sand these down a little later. It'due south better to have more, with a solid roofing on the corners, than less.

Smooth the entire wall to your taste View in gallery

Shine the entire wall to your taste. Some people prefer a really raw concrete stop (very industrial), while others prefer more subtle ones.

Run your spreader in multiple directions View in gallery

Run your spreader in multiple directions to decrease bubbling and increase interesting spreader lines. (If you like that kind of thing…which I practice.)

Loosely check your corners and edges View in gallery

Loosely check your corners and edges from multiple angles here; if you desire to smooth them out a chip, become ahead. Keep in mind, though, that also much messing around with the feather stop tin make things expect worse. Yous'll be able to sand away rough corners and edges after it dries, too.

DIY Concrete Planters for Outdoor View in gallery
DIY Concrete Planters-corners and edges View in gallery

You can even smooth out corners with your finger, if y'all find that helpful.

DIY Concrete Planters-rough finish View in gallery

Of course, it'south up to you and your preference, only I would recommend that you don't exist too conscientious near smoothness here.

Leaving in some of the trowel lines View in gallery

Leaving in some of the trowel lines volition give the concrete planter a fiddling more character and that industrial aesthetic we tend to honey.

Let the feather finish View in gallery

Let the feather end dry thoroughly. Touch up every bit needed.

Sand with coarse to medium View in gallery

Sand with fibroid to medium grit sandpaper if you desire; this isn't necessary, though.

raw industrialism aesthetics View in gallery

It simply depends on your preferences for raw industrialism aesthetics – the rougher your concrete planter box is, the more industrial information technology will likely look.

DIY Concrete Planters-clear paint View in gallery

Choose a concrete sealant that is designed for outside use.

Resembling skim milk or similar View in gallery

The sealant will probably accept a bluish-white tinge to information technology, resembling skim milk or similar. Although mayhap disconcerting, don't worry about this; when it dries, the sealant will exist completely clear and glossy.

DIY Concrete Planters-sealing View in gallery

Sealing is rather easy; however, this stuff tends to dry fairly quickly, so your application fourth dimension might be limited. I recommend a system that will allow you lot to seal the unabridged planter box strategically and eliminate, or at least minimize, unnecessary drips of sealant. Start with a generous swipe across the top surface of 1 side. Ignore the dripping downward the sides for a infinitesimal.

DIY Concrete Planters-seal inside View in gallery

Seal the inside of the planter box on that side, beginning with the two affected corners and so covering the inside wall between them.

same side of your planter box View in gallery

Then move to the outside wall on that same side of your planter box, and seal the entire thing. Look briefly on both adjoining sides for noticeable drips and wipe them away before moving onto the side by side side.

Repeat this method for all four sides View in gallery

Repeat this method for all four sides; then do a final one time-over for any lingering drips of sealant.

Let the concrete planters dry View in gallery

Permit the whole matter dry thoroughly. And then flip it over and seal the lesser edge – not for the concrete paver itself, only more for the very edge of feather stop on the bottom edge that may non accept been finer sealed yet. This will help to prevent moisture'south creeping up through the plume terminate from the ground when it rains or whatever.

Place concrete planters in front of the house View in gallery

Place the concrete planter boxes where you want them.

Front house concrete planters View in gallery

In this instance, two concrete planter boxes flank the ramp upwards to a backyard shed.Loving the mode that they expect, yet, we are planning on making four more to spread around the backyard landscape.

DIY Concrete Planters top View in gallery

Make full with potting soil and add your plants, whatever they may be. Case shows a unmarried tidal wave petunia in each concrete planter box, which will fill the acme space beautifully in simply a few weeks.

DIY Concrete Planters- water source View in gallery

Be certain to add together a water source, such as a sprinkler or drip organization, or take care that yous water your plants every solar day. Whatever growing affair planted higher up ground will dry faster than plants in the ground itself, due to increased wind and heat effects on the pot itself and, consequently, the soil.

Concrete planter DIY View in gallery

It'southward such a cool, crisply industrial look for such niggling cost and effort.

DIY Concrete Planters with Colorful Flowers View in gallery

We dearest the dissimilarity of a bright flowering plant with the grayness physical of the simple planter box. Beautiful.

DIY Concrete Planters Project View in gallery

And, if you're making i, I highly recommend making at least two at the same time. Because you'll want more of them. Trust me.


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